JCDecaux Ireland and Dublin City Council have teamed up to launch an outdoor campaign to encourage the people of Dublin to join the dublinbikes public bike sharing scheme. The number of people cycling in Ireland has increased dramatically over the past number of years and the aim of the outdoor campaign is to inspire people to ‘join the revolution’ by signing up to dublinbikes. This is a message that should resonate, particularly in the post-Christmas period, with people who will be thinking about getting fit in the year ahead.
The campaign is running across multiple JCDecaux formats including Metropoles, Metropanels, Retail 6 sheets, Luas and Large Format 48 sheets.

Using dublinbikes is an excellent way to get some exercise when travelling in and around the city. It’s also good for the environment and reduces congestion in the city as it means less trips by car. At only €20 for annual membership and with over 95% of journeys being free, dublinbikes offers excellent value.
Since launch in 2009 dublinbikes has exceeded all expectations in terms of uptake and use and it is generally acknowledged to be one of the most successful bike sharing schemes in the world. To date over 6 million journeys have been made on dublinbikes and there are over 36,000 active long-term subscribers.
The dublinbikes scheme is currently being expanded with additional stations being built in a number of key locations in the city, East to the Docklands and West to Heuston Station. This will reinforce the footprint of the current scheme and open up membership of the scheme to a larger number of people. Once the expansion has been completed (in summer 2014) the number of stations will have more than doubled from 44 to 102 and the number of bikes will have almost trebled from 550 to 1,500. The extra stations and bikes will greatly enhance the entire dublinbikes network with the area covered by the scheme doubled.
For further information in relation to the new dublinbikes stations please go to http://www.dublinbikes.ie/Expansion-News