Out of Home audiences are broad and diverse taking consistent and repeated journeys throughout the week. With 88% commuting by car and 1 in 5 classing themselves as regular transport users, outdoor advertising continues to be a key driver on the path to purchase.
Broad and Varied
TGI NI 2018

Powerful Decision Makers
Out of Home audiences in Northern Ireland have substantial purchasing power. With 68% being the main household shopper and 35% having made a purchase in response to an outdoor campaign, brands can have a substantial influence on the daily purchasing decisions of shoppers both in-store and online.
TGI NI 2018
Hard to Reach
Technology has transformed how we live and consume media: a major challenge for brand communication. 54% of NI consumers are now light TV viewers and 42% buy newspapers less than once a week. With an unrivalled on-street presence, Out of Home has a 54% brand engagement rate.
TGI NI 2018
Connected on the Move
40% of consumers go online while on the move. Being constantly connected means Out of Home is perfectly positioned for prompting mobile search. With 40% engaging with a brand via mobile in response to Out of Home, brands have unique opportunities to capture audience attention in an active mindset.
TGI NI 2018