A recent survey by international research firm, Ovum, revealed that 74% of respondents said that they occasionally go online while watching TV and 37% regularly engaged in this activity. Consumers’ media habits are changing, merging and evolving in this era of mobile and digital growth.
One thing remains – consumers leave their homes every day to go to the shop, drop children to school, go to work or for leisure purposes. And en-route, they have the opportunity to pick up well-placed out of home advertising. The latest TGI release from Kantar Media shows that TV and Outdoor are the most consumed media by adults in Northern Ireland.
Media consumption All adults & Greater Belfast adults

Over 1.1 million have seen some form of outdoor advertising in the past week, that is 80% of the population. The most seen format continues to be roadside billboards with 60% seeing them in the past week. This is followed by 56% adults seeing exterior bus ads and 53% seeing bus shelter advertising.
TGI trend analysis shows that billboard audiences are constantly growing with 18% growth since 2007.
Adults who have seen billboard advertising in the past week

Average travel time per week for adults is just under 7 hours, meaning a lot of time is spent on the road with the opportunity to see roadside billboard advertising.
So while other media are facing convergence in terms of consumer consumption, outdoor continues to perform strongly and increase audience contacts without increased rates.
Source: NI TGI 2011, Adworld.ie