Universal Pictures are wrapping up Dublin’s main commuter hubs with their station blitzes across Connolly, Pearse and Heuston stations for the recent release of Despicable Me 2.
The full campaign will run on 48 Sheets, 6 Sheets, Metropanels, Digital Transvision screens and the new back lit escalator panels in Pearse street station along with all the ticket barriers in Heuston, Connolly and Pearse Street until the end of June.
The colourful and eye catching campaign is brightening up passengers’ daily commute with Gru’s minions peeping mischievously out from the posters and digital Transvision screens. Universal Pictures are the first client to run on all the ticket barriers across the 3 stations.

Pictured in Connolly Station (L-R in top image): Pat Mannion - JCDecaux, Susan Murtagh - Kinetic, David Burke - Universal Pictures and Ann Delaney- Mediacom.
The media campaign for Despicable Me 2 was planned by Mediacom in conjunction with Kinetic.
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