Official outdoor advertising expenditure figures are available up to end of May this year from Nielsen. Outdoor is holding steady in terms of spend and continues to take 11% share of total media expenditure.
According to Nielsen, all top 10 advertisers to date this year have placed budget into outdoor, with Unilever, O2 Ireland and Diageo spending €1 in every €3 on outdoor – a good investment considering research shows measured return on investment when using outdoor.

While Irish media spend remains in decline overall, albeit a very small yoy reduction, it has been reported by ZenithOptimedia that global ad expenditure is to return to pre-recession peak level this year.
ZenithOptimedia’s global ad expenditure forecast predicts a growth of 4.1% in 2011, returning to US$471 billion, the level it reached pre-recession in 2008. More robust growth is forecast to resume in 2012 and 2013.
Their prediction for 2012 is growth of 5.9% - with media spend benefitting from events such as the Olympics in the UK, the European Football Championship in Poland and Ukraine and the Presidential elections in the US.
Events and outdoor advertising go hand-in-hand – with the latest major sporting event, the Rugby World Cup, expected to boost outdoor advertising spends in New Zealand. Outdoor expenditure there has increased 7.8% Jan-Jun yoy. This is a good opportunity for sponsors and clients to show their support for the Irish squad here at home. Active rugby supporters (those who pay to watch it at a venue or go to the pub to watch it on TV) are more likely than the national average to be heavy outdoor media consumers.
For more information on any of the above, contact Eimear McGrath (