The second wave of ‘Your Dublin Your Voice’ research is taking place now and the closing date for your responses is 31st July. This is your chance to give your views on Dublin’s social scene. By taking part, you can win prizes such as helicopter tours of the city, scenic bus tours and walking tours.
The survey takes just five minutes to complete. To take the survey, go to
The ‘Your Dublin Your Voice’ survey is the first local government-led opinion panel in Ireland. It is used to gather the views of people who live, work, study or visit the Dublin Region. Almost 2,300 people, representing all ages and backgrounds, over 60 nationalities and every county in Ireland, took part in the first survey.
Among the findings, attitudes to major completed projects in the city were collated and show that 98% of people feel positive/very positive about LUAS, and 95% feel the same way about dublinbikes and the proposed expansion of the scheme.
Click here to see the results of the first wave of this survey.