An incredible 2 million journeys have been taken on dublinbikes. The 1 million milestone was reached in August 2010, meaning the pace at which the bikes are being rented has picked up even further this year with that record doubling in just 9 months.
The 2 million mark was reached at 2.10pm on Thurs 12th May with a 7 minute journey from Parnell Square North to Smithfield North.

In a recent survey by Dublin City Council (Your Dublin, Your Voice), it was revealed that 95% of people feel positive about dublinbikes and the proposed expansion of the scheme. Along with Luas, it emerged as one of the top initiatives in terms of positive impact on city life in the capital.
Dublin’s Lord Mayor Gerry Breen says “The success of dublinbikes continues to exceed expectations. It took 11 months to reach one million journeys and now, just nine months later, we have reached the two million mark. The project has been a great partnership between Dublin City Council, JCDecaux Ireland and the scheme’s many members. It has re-introduced the bicycle as a form of transport in the city and has encouraged both Dubliners and visitors to get more active while supporting a green initiative.”
Joanne Grant, Managing Director of JCDecaux Ireland said “reaching this milestone of 2 million journeys on dublinbikes demonstrates the overwhelming success of the scheme. Everyone at JCDecaux and Dublin City Council are very proud of what has been achieved in such a short space of time”.
The dublinbikes scheme has received numerous awards including the Green Communications Award and the Excellence in Local Government award for Sustainable Development.
There are now 44 stations and 550 bikes in the network and each db has an average rotation of 8.8 journeys p/day. A record 6, 043 journeys were taken on Fri 15th April; the busiest day so far in the history of the scheme.
dublinbikes has over 55,000 subscribers to date and is one of the most successful bike share rental schemes in the world.