The Marketing Institute of Ireland breakfast series is back with the first in a great line up of speakers. Rose Kervick from Eumom and Gerard O’Neill of Amárach Research shared interesting insights from research carried out amongst mothers and soon-to-be-mums – an important demographic for advertisers.

Ireland is experiencing a baby boom with birth rates in 2010 35% higher than 2000. In most cases, mothers or soon-to-be-mums are either the joint or sole decision maker when it comes to household purchase decisions.
With 71% of mums in the Eumom/Amárach survey saying that household income has decreased in the past 12 months and 60% saying household spending has increased in this time period, there is more and more pressure put on the purchasing decisions that are made.
It is not surprising that the top influencing factors on this demographic group are 1) family members, 2) other mothers/parents and 3) friends – nowhere better for mothers and expectant mothers to ask advice. This may be part of the reason they tend to have a small brand repertoire to choose from in terms of baby food, skincare, medical, nappy and nappy cream brands – with tried and tested brands being recommended by those close by. But brand choice exists within each product category and advertisers have the opportunity to showcase the benefits of their brand via multiple media formats.
So what are the media consumption patterns of this demographic group?
We know from TGI research that Irish adults consume TV and Outdoor media most. They are on the move, particularly at key peak times of 7-9am and 5-7pm, and throughout the day are susceptible to seeing outdoor advertising. From 6pm their TV viewing increases massively. For mums and mums-to-be, they are also TV and Outdoor media consumers, followed by Internet as the third most popular medium consumed.
Outdoor is a key medium to drive brand awareness and gives advertisers a great opportunity to target this important demographic group. 90% mums or mums-to-be have seen some form of outdoor advertising in the past week.
Media Consumption - all adults and mums-to-be

TV viewing by day part (cable/satellite/digital Mon-Fri viewing)
all adults and mums and mums-to-be
For more information on Eumom visit or Amárach Research For details on the Marketing Institute of Ireland and their breakfast events, visit
Sources: Eumom & Amárach Research, CSO, ROI TGI 2011.